nothing much. just my thoughts and any triviality i encounter. prepare to be bored by my usual whines about single-"blessedness" and age problems. and oh, did i mention relationships?????

Thursday, December 04, 2003

i am not yet supposed to write but i had to. darn. monday saw me dating a guy i don't really like. you know tyhose times when you really miss something (in my case, kissing) and when you see a chance at it, you are with the wrong person, at the right time, at the right place??? grrr. i won't elaborate.

tuesday was kinda ok. missed half of my class to be with PMS. aargh. priorities!!!

i told A about how i feel. i think i made myself seem to forward. i shouldn't have but i had to. im not in the mood to tell a lot here. ill just check my journal.


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